â €NuperSITE

You pressed 1, the hidden code! But you have to enter the code to get in.

Attempts left: 10


Hi! This is a game website, although not because there is educational stuff! (check out tools)

Check out the "Stuff" tab for stuff you might like!

More stuff will be in the stuff tab, soon.

Please dont mind my spinning logo. Its very fast.

Made in Herrera, made out of the oven.

never click me

Updates | Last Updated: Dec 17 7:45 CST

NEW PAGE! AI Chat Bot! Intregrated on to NuperSITE, helping with your work, and stuff! The ai doesnt learn about NuperSITE or anything, AI is also still learning.

Added links box! You can see how many NuperSITE links that are offical and work!

Replaced the Videos tab for the Ai Chat Bot, the Videos html will still be up, until Chirstmas Day will be deleted.

Search bar customization added! Can seperated by Downloadable items and All items, and fixed the search bar position.


Some links won't work, it's nice to have some links around.
nuper.site is quicker, but nupersite.org is much famous.

development link

Old links

Forgotton links that were never used, but functional.
